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Heterostructured “Binary Materials” for Photodetection from Mid-Infrared, Visible, to X-ray

时间:2018-09-15 18:36


报告时间:2018年9月16日 下午15:00-15:50



Dr. Tom Wu (吴韬) received his B.S. degree from Zhejiang University in 1995 and Ph.D. degree from the University of Maryland, College Park in 2002. Before joining University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney as a full professor, he worked as postdoc in Argonne National Laboratory in Chicago, assistant professor in Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore, and associate professor in King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). Dr. Wu has authored 240 peer-reviewed papers with a H-index of 59 in the areas of oxide thin films, nanomaterials, and hybrid perovskites, with a focus on their electronic, magnetic and optical functionalities. His group has witnessed the career development of 14 PhD students and 25 postdocs. He also serves as an Associate Editor for ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.